
It's raining cats and dogs outside!


Emoji Combo Meaning

The text describes heavy rainfall by metaphorically comparing it to cats and dogs falling from the sky.

Plot Twist

Using the door emoji adds a touch of comedy, suggesting you might encounter a pet-astrophe outside your home.

69 days ago

Emojis Meaning


The rain, of course. We need this for our crazy-weather metaphor.


Cats, representing one-half of our animal precipitation.


Dogs, representing the other half of our weird weather.


A door, implying you might want to stay inside if these felines and canines are free-falling.

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Friend: 'What’s with the weather?' You: '🌧️🐱🐶🚪 Stay indoors if you don’t want a face full of fur!'

Social media post

‘Absolutely pouring outside! 🌧️🐱🐶🚪 Who else is in for a Netflix marathon?’ #RainyDay #PetsEverywhere

Work setting

Boss: ‘Can you make it to the meeting?’ You: ‘Might be late, it’s 🌧️🐱🐶🚪 out there!’ Boss: 😂

Emoji Combo Story

Once upon a time, when the skies acted up 🌧️ and pets decided to rain down 🐱🐶, everyone not wanting a surprise visit from a falling furball stayed snug behind their doors 🚪.

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