
go fuck yourself

🛤️ 👉 🍆 🪞

Emoji Combo Meaning

This is a rather direct and profane way of telling someone to direct their anger inward.

Plot Twist

It's like sending someone on a journey with a twist of dirty humor, using well-known emoji slang and ending with a self-reflective (yet biting) note.

70 days ago

Emojis Meaning


Represents the 'go' part, like sending someone on a journey, a one-way trip they won't forget.


Points the way, just like forcefully directing someone.


A spicy interpretation of the 'fuck' part – because, well, the eggplant emoji has a reputation.


Reflects the 'yourself' part by using a mirror to denote self-reflection (but not the peaceful kind).

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Jen: 'I swear if Mike doesn't stop complaining...' You: '🛤️ 👉 🍆 🪞, am I right?' Jen: 💀😂

Social media post

When you realize someone left crumbs on the counter AGAIN. 🛤️ 👉 🍆 🪞 #EnoughIsEnough

Work setting

When Bob suggests another unnecessary meeting: 'How about this: 🛤️ 👉 🍆 🪞' *Instant HR meeting*

Emoji Combo Story

Once upon a time, someone wanted to embark on a bizarre journey. On their way (🛤️), they were pointed in a peculiar direction (👉). They encountered an unexpected symbol of frustration 🙃 (🍆), and ended up facing their own reflection (🪞). Moral of the story: some journeys are best not taken.

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