


Emoji Combo Meaning

The phrase 'ser-algo-pan-comido' translates to 'it's a piece of cake' in English, meaning something is very easy to do.

Plot Twist

Bread usually isn't used to denote ease, but we bake with creativity here!

69 days ago

Emojis Meaning


Bread, representing the 'pan' in the phrase (and who doesn't love carbs?)


A delicious face, indicating the ease and enjoyment of the 'eaten' part


A-OK hand sign, sealing the deal that it's super easy

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Friend: 'Can you help me with this math problem?' You: '🍞😋👌!' Easy peasy!

Social media post

Just aced my driving test! 🍞😋👌 #EasyPeasy #LikeABoss

Work setting

Boss: 'Can you complete this task by the end of the day?' You: 'Absolutely, it's 🍞😋👌!' Just don't blame us if you get promoted!

Emoji Combo Story

Once upon an emoji time, there was a loaf of bread 🍞 that lived a very tasty life. Everyone thought he led an easy life, just sitting around being delicious 😋. One day, he gave a thumbs up to his friend the pancake, saying, 'Life's a piece of bread 🍞😋👌!' And they all lived easily ever after.

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