


Emoji Combo Meaning

This French slang phrase is a colorful and somewhat vulgar insult directed at someone's mother. It's essentially saying something quite rude and offensive.

Plot Twist

The hand waving emoji is used sarcastically here to soften the initial blow, but quickly turns harsh with the stop and anger symbols.

69 days ago

Emojis Meaning


Hand waving, representing a greeting but with a sarcastic undertone in this context.


A woman, symbolizing a mother in this phrase.


A stop sign, representing a command to halt, reflecting the aggressive nature of the insult.


Anger symbol, showing that this phrase is meant to provoke anger and represents strong emotions.

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

When your buddy tries to prank you and you want to humorously pretend to be offended: 'Oh, you did NOT just do that! 👋👩🛑💢'

Social media post

^If someone trolls your post and you want to clap back in a coded way: 'To all the haters out there: 👋👩🛑💢 #OuttaHere'

Work setting

When your colleague steals your lunch from the fridge, but you need to keep it somewhat professional: 'If anyone has seen my sandwich... 👋👩🛑💢 Please advise.'

Emoji Combo Story

Once upon a time, there was a mischievous hand waving 👋 who met a protective mother 👩. The hand tried to play a prank, but the mother was having none of it 🛑. Things got heated 💢, and they both soon realized they should just wave goodbye and part ways peacefully.

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