


Emoji Combo Meaning

This word expresses giving up or accepting defeat, often accompanied by disappointment or relief.

Plot Twist

None this time! The emojis are pretty straightforward, ensuring the message is clear yet amusing.

69 days ago

Emojis Meaning


The classic symbol of surrender, like waving a white flag in a dramatic battlefield!


The sad face captures the disappointment and emotional weight of giving up.


The shrug indicates a sense of 'What can you do?' acceptance of the situation with a casual, humorous twist.

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Friend: 'Want to try the spicy ramen challenge?' You: '🏳️😞🤷‍♂️'

Social media post

Just finished a brutal workout... 🏳️😞🤷‍♂️ #NoPainNoGain

Work setting

When you’ve tried everything to fix that bug and it’s still not working: 🏳️😞🤷‍♂️

Emoji Combo Story

In the midst of a heated board game, John finally raised the 🏳️, feeling 😞 but ultimately 🤷‍♂️ as his friends cheered for victory.

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