
don't disturb


Emoji Combo Meaning

The text is a clear instruction to avoid interruptions, often because someone is sleeping or needs quiet time.

Plot Twist

Nothing too wild here, folks. Just straightforward and to the snooze point!

67 days ago

Emojis Meaning


A bell with a line through it, often used to indicate silence or no notifications. Perfect for the 'don't disturb' vibe.


A closed door, symbolizing a barrier that should not be crossed. It's like saying, 'Stay out!' with a touch of humor.


A sleepy face with 'Zzz', representing sleep or rest. It adds a funny visual of someone potentially sleeping inside.

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

📱 Friend: 'Hey, wanna hang out?' You: 'Not tonight, buddy! 🔕🚪😴'

Social media post

Status: 'Trying to catch up on sleep this weekend! 🔕🚪😴'

Work setting

Email: 'I'll be working on a deep focus project this afternoon. Please, 🔕🚪😴 until 3 PM.'

Emoji Combo Story

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a nap-loving dragon. Every afternoon, he hung a sign that said 🔕🚪😴. One day, a brave knight saw the sign. He respected it and avoided the dragon's wrath, earning the dragon's everlasting gratitude. And thus, a nap was saved and a friendship was born.

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