
Hey what's up


Emoji Combo Meaning

This is a casual greeting, checking in to see what's going on or asking for an update on someone's life.

Plot Twist

Using the sun-and-cloud emoji to symbolize 'up' is a playful and unexpected touch!

69 days ago

Emojis Meaning


A friendly wave to say 'Hey!' (Don't leave them hanging, give 'em a wave back!)


Cool sunglasses face asking 'What’s up?' with some swagger (You’ve got to look cool even in emoji form!)


A pleasant day sky asking about the day's happenings (Because who doesn't want to think about a nice day?)

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Friend: 👋😎🌤️ Dude, long time no see! Miss you!

Social media post

Feeling great today! 👋😎🌤️ Enjoying the sunshine and good vibes! #GoodDay #StayCool

Work setting

Hey team 👋😎🌤️ How’s everyone doing this morning? Let's have a productive day!

Emoji Combo Story

👋😎🌤️ Once upon a time, the cool sun greeted everyone with a wave and said 'What's up!' And just like that, the day became awesome. The end!

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