


Emoji Combo Meaning

"Skull-meme" refers to memes so funny they metaphorically kill you with laughter - basically, you die laughing.

Plot Twist

The plot twist is that it’s not literal; instead, it hilariously conveys something so funny it could make you laugh yourself to death.

67 days ago

Emojis Meaning


Represents the 'skull' part, meaning you're dead - in the best way possible, of course!


Shows the 'meme' aspect, as in you're laughing so hard you metaphorically die. Comedy at its peak!

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Friend: 'Did you see that meme I sent you?' You: 'OMG yes 💀😂.'

Social media post

Just saw the funniest cat video ever 💀😂 #DeadFromLaughter #TooFunny

Work setting

Sharing a humorous work struggle meme on Slack: 'When deadlines loom and you need a miracle 💀😂.'

Emoji Combo Story

Once upon a time, there was a meme so funny it left everyone who saw it clutching their stomachs and gasping for breath. It was known far and wide as the legendary 💀😂 meme. Those who survived its hilarity told tales of its comedic genius.

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