


Emoji Combo Meaning

This Chinese phrase means 'kick you away with one foot,' implying a swift, powerful kick that sends someone flying. It's a funny and vivid way to describe getting kicked.

Plot Twist

The addition of the airplane emoji represents the exaggerated distance one might fly after such an epic kick. It's all in good fun!

69 days ago

Emojis Meaning


The boot, symbolizing the powerful kick. This boot means business!


The shoe flying off the foot in the commotion. Clearly, this kick was no joke!


The speed and force of the kick, like a cartoon character zooming away. Zoom, zoom!


The ultimate flight trajectory, capturing the comical 'kicked-into-orbit' effect. Fly high, my friend!

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

When your friend steals your last slice of pizza: 'If you take that, I'll 👢👟💨🛫 you!'

Social media post

Posting about a surprise clean-up session led by mom: 'Mom saw my messy room and gave me the classic 👢👟💨🛫 treatment. Safe travels, me!' #EpicMomPower

Work setting

Replying to a co-worker's bad joke in a meeting: 'That joke was so bad, I almost 👢👟💨🛫 myself outta here!'

Emoji Combo Story

Once upon a time, 👢 the boot met 👟 the sneaker. 'Let’s go on an adventure!' said 👢. With a swift motion, 👢 sent 👟 flying 💨 across the sky and 🚀 🛫 into an epic journey around the world!

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