


Emoji Combo Meaning

The word 'betekenis' is Dutch for 'meaning'. It's all about finding out what something signifies or stands for.

Plot Twist

No unexpected emojis here, just a straight-up quest for understanding with a side of deep thought.

70 days ago

Emojis Meaning


The search for meaning, like a detective looking for clues.


That 'Eureka!' moment when you finally understand something. The lightbulb of enlightenment!


The deep thinking associated with trying to interpret or find significance. Brain in overdrive!

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Friend: 'Have you figured out the meaning of life yet?' You: '🔍💡🤔 Still working on it!'

Social media post

Just had a deep conversation about the universe and everything in it. What is the meaning of life anyway? 🔍💡🤔 #PhilosophyNight #DeepThoughts

Work setting

Boss: 'What does this report really mean for our strategy?' You: '🔍💡🤔 Let me break it down for you...'

Emoji Combo Story

Once upon a time, there was a tiny detective 🔍 who loved discovering new ideas 💡 and solving life's biggest mysteries 🤔. Each day was a new adventure in the land of knowledge!

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