


Emoji Combo Meaning

The word 'censor' refers to the act of suppressing or hiding certain information, typically to prevent offensive content from being seen or heard.

Plot Twist

By pairing the monkey with a 'no' sign and eyes, it visually translates the concept of censorship in a way that's both clear and whimsically engaging.

69 days ago

Emojis Meaning


Monkey covering its mouth - 'See no evil,' representing the act of keeping information under wraps.


Prohibited sign - A clear symbol of restriction, emphasizing that something is being blocked or forbidden.


Eyes - Representing the act of looking or seeing, which is what censorship is trying to control.

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Friend 1: Did you hear what she said? Friend 2: 🙊🚫👀 Nope, all censored!

Social media post

When the plot twist is so wild, they had to keep it under wraps! 🙊🚫👀 #Spoilers

Work setting

When the quarterly report contains *ahem* sensitive information... 🙊🚫👀 #CorporateSecrets

Emoji Combo Story

🙊 named Charlie was tired of hearing secrets that people couldn't handle, so he put up a 🚫 and closed his 👀 to keep the peace.

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