


Emoji Combo Meaning

A humorous yet poignant declaration that someone who is perceived as promiscuous also experiences emotions.

Plot Twist

Dropping in the sensitive emojis like 💔 and 😭 amidst the cheeky representation of a 'man-slut' provides a humorous yet thought-provoking twist!

69 days ago

Emojis Meaning


The mischievous grin, representing the 'man-slut' persona with a naughty wink


The infamous eggplant emoji, driving home the promiscuity in a humorously obvious way


A broken heart, symbolizing the hidden emotional scars and vulnerability


Floods of tears, showcasing raw and undeniable feelings under that cheeky exterior

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Friend: 'Hey, you’re such a player!' You: '😏🍆💔😭 Man-slut has feelings too!'

Social media post

When you’re known for breaking hearts but sometimes your own heart breaks a little too: 😏🍆💔😭 #Feels

Work setting

Boss: 'Why are you late again?' You (with caution): '😏🍆💔😭 Even a man-slut has feelings and needs some time to heal!'

Emoji Combo Story

Once upon a time, a cheeky gentleman 😏 went on many eggplant adventures 🍆, but behind his devil-may-care attitude, he had a fragile heart 💔 and sometimes cried oceans 😭. The end!

New Combo

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