
how are you


Emoji Combo Meaning

The text 'how are you' is a basic greeting often used to check in on someone's well-being.

Plot Twist

Adding the dizzy stars gives an extra layer of 'How are you feeling in this crazy world?' which makes the combo extra humorous.

67 days ago

Emojis Meaning


This emoji represents the pondering part, as if you’re really wondering how someone is doing (cue the chin scratch).


This crazy face takes the question to the next level. You’re not just asking; you’re asking with a zest of quirkiness!


The dizzy stars signify a whirlwind of emotions, highlighting the chaotic or unpredictable nature of people's days.

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Friend: 'I just finished the most intense workout!' You: '🤔🤪💫 How are you doing now!?'

Social media post

Posting a funny meme about surviving Monday: 'We made it! 🤔🤪💫 How's everyone holding up?'

Work setting

Emailing a colleague who pulled an all-nighter: '🤔🤪💫 How are you after that marathon session?'

Emoji Combo Story

🤔 Person wonders: ‘How are you?’ 🤪 The response is wild and quirky 💫 World spins in a dizzying frenzy! What a day!

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