


Emoji Combo Meaning

The phrase '又哭又笑' means 'laughing and crying at the same time,' which perfectly captures a mix of emotions.

Plot Twist

No unexpected emojis here, unless you count the overall emotional whiplash these two bring!

67 days ago

Emojis Meaning


This emoji is laughing so hard it's crying, which is the perfect fit for the 'laughing' part of the equation (like when you laugh until your stomach hurts).


This emoji represents crying, balancing out the laughing with some genuine tears (like when you stub your toe but still remember a hilarious joke).

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Friend 1: 'Remember that time I slipped on that banana peel?' Friend 2: '😂😢 Totally! That was hilarious but also...ouch!'

Social media post

Just finished the saddest movie but can't stop laughing at my dog chasing his tail! 😂😢 #EmotionalRollercoaster

Work setting

Co-worker: 'I just accidentally sent a love letter to the entire office.' You: '😂😢 And that's how you become a legend.'

Emoji Combo Story

Once upon a time, a clown 😂 lost his nose and found it again 😢. He laughed and cried all at once, making everyone wonder if joy and sorrow are two sides of the same coin. Then they all slipped on banana peels and lived inconsistently ever after. 😂😢

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