


Emoji Combo Meaning

The text '垃圾' means 'trash' or 'garbage' in Chinese. It's often used to describe something worthless or disgusting.

Plot Twist

No plot twist needed here. Trash is trash, it's all about the gross-out factor!

67 days ago

Emojis Meaning


The trash bin itself—where the refuse belongs! Classic and straightforward.


The feeling of disgust that comes with trash, capturing the 'yuck' factor perfectly.


Another icon for throwing trash away, just to drive home the point. Plus, it's got that 'action' vibe!

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

When talking about that terrible movie you just watched: 'Omg, that movie was 🗑️🤢🚮.'

Social media post

Captioning a pic of your disastrous attempt at baking: 'So, tried to make a cake today... let's just say it turned out 🗑️🤢🚮.' #ChefFail

Work setting

Replying to your colleague's message about the broken coffee machine once again: 'Looks like the coffee machine is still 🗑️🤢🚮.'

Emoji Combo Story

Once upon a time, there was a little 🗑️ that wanted to be more than just a trash can. Every day it saw the 🤢 faces of people throwing things away, and wished it could be something more useful. One day, a fairy godmother appeared and said, 'For your dedication to cleanliness, I grant you a promotion!' And just like that, 🗑️ became the grand marshal of all 🚮, ensuring that trash everywhere was properly disposed of, and the world smelled a bit better. The end!

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