


Emoji Combo Meaning

This Chinese phrase expresses a heartfelt desire to be together with someone at all times, from morning to night.

Plot Twist

No unexpected twist this time. Just serving up a classic dish of emojis for the romantics out there!

69 days ago

Emojis Meaning


This emoji symbolizes partnership and being hand-in-hand — the whole 'never leave your side' vibe.


Representing dawn, this emoji captures the 'morning together' part. Plus, sunrises are super romantic, right?


This emoji stands for nighttime, completing the 'together from morning to night' idea. Night owls, rejoice!


A little heart to wrap it all up in a bubble of love. Because who doesn’t love a good dose of affection?

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

友: 你怎么总是这么开心? 你: 因为我和我的另一半 🤝🌅🌃💖

Social media post

日夜相伴的甜蜜生活 🤝🌅🌃💖#LoveGoals #一起走过的每一天

Work setting

老板: 你为什么迟到了? 你: 昨晚和另一半聊得太晚了 🤝🌅🌃💖 (希望爱情的力量能让老板心软 haha)

Emoji Combo Story

Once upon a time, two partners 🤝 decided to stay together from sunrise 🌅 till nightfall 🌃, sharing every moment with a heart full of love 💖. And they lived happily ever after, one emoji at a time.

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