


Emoji Combo Meaning

'抱拳' is a traditional Chinese greeting gesture symbolizing respect and gratitude, often used in martial arts or formal settings.

Plot Twist

By combining zen-like respect with a display of strength, we're highlighting the dual nature of the traditional ‘抱拳’ gesture—it's both polite and powerful!

69 days ago

Emojis Meaning


A bowing gesture of respect and gratitude, just what the master ordered! 🥋


Flexing the muscles to show strength and determination—because even respect needs a workout sometimes! 💪

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Friend: 'Hey, thanks for helping me move!' You: 'No problem! 🙏💪 Always here for ya!'

Social media post

Just completed my third marathon! ✌🙏💪 #RespectYourself #FeelTheBurn

Work setting

Team: 'Great presentation today!' You: 'Thanks, everyone! 🙏💪 Let's keep pushing forward!'

Emoji Combo Story

When the wise Sensei met the strong warrior, they exchanged a reverent 🙏 and then flexed their power 💪 to train for another epic battle of wits and strength. 🥋✨

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