


Emoji Combo Meaning

This Spanish idiom literally means 'throw the house out the window' and signifies going all out, especially in terms of spending money or celebrating.

Plot Twist

Combining the emojis gives the impression of a house party where money literally flies out the window. Now that's a blowout!

69 days ago

Emojis Meaning


The house itself, representing the big investment or going all in.


The window, indicating the dramatic act of 'throwing out' — a crucial part of our idiom.


Floating cash, showing the lavish spending associated with the phrase.


The party popper, symbolizing the celebration and festive atmosphere that accompanies the act.

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Vamos a echar-la-casa-por-la-ventana este fin de semana! 🏠🪟💸🎉

Social media post

¡Anoche se nos fue la mano! 🤪 #EcharLaCasaPorLaVentana 🏠🪟💸🎉

Work setting

Nuestro próximo evento será legendario, vamos a echar la casa por la ventana 💼🏠🪟💸🎉

Emoji Combo Story

There once was a house 🏠 right next to a window 🪟. One day, the house owners decided to throw a massive party 🎉, and before they knew it, money started flying out 💸. Everyone laughed and enjoyed the wild night, saying they'd truly 'eched-la-casa-por-la-ventana'!

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