


Emoji Combo Meaning

The word 'berserk' suggests someone going completely wild with rage or madness. We're talking about Hulk-level fury here!

Plot Twist

Using the rocket (🚀) to symbolize the uncontrollable trajectory of emotions adds a fun, unexpected layer of imagery.

69 days ago

Emojis Meaning


Start with classic anger. Really, just your everyday I've-had-enough face.


Exploding with emotions! A burst of rage like fireworks, but not the fun kind.


Mind blown! Reached a peak where the brain stops processing rational thoughts.


Shoot into outer space! Emotions have now launched into uncontrollable mayhem.


Fully berserk! This is the stage where sanity takes a permanent vacation.

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Friend: 'How did you react when the internet went down?' You: '😡💥🤯🚀🤪'

Social media post

Just watched the season finale... My brain: 😡💥🤯🚀🤪 #MindBlown #BerserkMode

Work setting

Email to IT after another system crash: 'Dear IT Team, my computer: 😡💥🤯🚀🤪. Please assist ASAP. Thanks!'

Emoji Combo Story

Once upon a time, Bob was having a decent day until he found out his favorite ice cream place was closed. 😡 He felt an explosion of frustration 💥 which left his mind completely frazzled 🤯. With emotions taking off like a rocket 🚀, he quickly went berserk 🤪. And that’s how he ended up at the all-you-can-eat dessert buffet instead.

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