


Emoji Combo Meaning

The text conveys the idea of doing work without putting in any effort over several days—think lazy days of 'work'.

Plot Twist

The use of the 💪 emoji is particularly cheeky because it humorously highlights what's missing from this scenario—effort!

69 days ago

Emojis Meaning


Sleeping, because clearly, the 'effort' went out the window and took a nap.


A computer to symbolize the work being done, or rather, 'barely' being done.


The universal 'no' sign, indicating that effort is nowhere in sight.


A flexed bicep, representing the effort—if it were actually there. Spoiler: it’s not.

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Friend: 'How was your week?' You: '😴💻🚫💪, what can I say? I have a talent for making it look like I'm working hard!'

Social media post

Just wrapped up a whole week of 'hard work' 😴💻🚫💪 #ProductivityOrLackThereof

Work setting

Boss: 'Can you give me a status update?' You: *sends* 😴💻🚫💪 Boss: 'We'll talk later.'

Emoji Combo Story

Once upon a time, a programmer decided to put in 'no effort' on a project. Days went by, marked by constant 😴 while pretending to type 💻. Eventually, someone noticed—probably because we clearly didn't see any flexing 💪 to show actual effort. The end.

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