


Emoji Combo Meaning

The text 'orange-heart' combines the symbol of a heart, usually representing love or affection, with the color orange. It's like a delicious blend of emotions and zestiness!

Plot Twist

If you didn't see the orange emoji coming, hopefully, it zest-fully brightened your expectations!

69 days ago

Emojis Meaning


This emoji represents an orange, adding the citrusy twist to demonstrate the 'orange' part.


This emoji stands for a heart, embodying the love and affection that makes it complete.

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Just made the best orange juice ever! 🍊💖

Social media post

Feeling tangy and loved today! 🍊💖 #OrangeHeart #CitrusLove

Work setting

Great job on the presentation! You really brought the zest and heart to it! 🍊💖

Emoji Combo Story

One day, an 🍊 met a 💖, and together they created a love story that was refreshingly sweet and irresistibly tangy. 🍊💖

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