
feeling pity


Emoji Combo Meaning

The input text conveys an emotion of feeling sorry or sympathetic towards someone or something.

Plot Twist

The unexpected use of 😢 and 🥺 together takes the pity to a dramatic, heart-wrenching level, as if a tragic love story just unravelled.

69 days ago

Emojis Meaning


This lone tear is the essence of sorrow. It's like saying 'I feel your pain' with an Oscar-worthy performance.


Hands pressed in prayer or plea for some divine intervention. It's the emoji equivalent of puppy eyes, asking for patience or forgiveness.


The ultimate pleading face, with eyes so big and watery you'd swear it's preparing for a Hallmark movie scene.

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

Friend: 'I accidentally stepped on my cat's tail.' You: '😢🙏🥺'

Social media post

Just saw the saddest movie ever. My heart can't take it 😢🙏🥺

Work setting

Boss: 'We'll have to work late today.' You: '😢🙏🥺' (Careful, might lead to an office-wide sympathy strike!)

Emoji Combo Story

A tiny kitten got caught in the rain 😢, a passerby saw it and prayed for its safety 🙏, and the kitten looked up with the most pitiful eyes ever 🥺.

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