
I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!


Emoji Combo Meaning

The person is expressing that they are extremely hungry, even to the point of jokingly suggesting they could eat something as large as a horse.

Plot Twist

Including a horse emoji directly ties back to the phrase 'eat a horse,' which adds a visual punchline to the joke!

70 days ago

Emojis Meaning


The 'yummy' face captures the extreme hunger and eagerness to eat (practically drooling here!)


The horse here is literal, taken directly from the phrase to highlight the exaggeration (and let's face it, it's funny!)


The fork and knife imply the act of eating and emphasize readiness to devour anything (even a horse!)

Usage Examples

Conversation with friends

"I'm so hungry 😋🐎🍴! Let's order a feast!"

Social media post

When you're waiting for your food delivery like 😋🐎🍴 #HungryAF #FeedMe

Work setting

"Meeting ran over lunch break again? I'm at my desk like 😋🐎🍴"

Emoji Combo Story

Once upon a lunchtime, a very hungry person 😋 looked at a menu and thought they were so ravenous they could eat an entire horse 🐎 with a knife and fork 🍴. And so they did, at least in their imagination!

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